Sunday, August 14, 2011


So, my last post was kind of a downer.
Right after that, I went downstairs and met some amazing new people!!

So. I have been so ridiculously busy that I haven't had a chance to blog.
First off, living with people.

Actually not bad at all.
My roommate is really sweet, and we get along great.

At my old school, our classes were in periods, not blocks. Here we have 5 blocks.
I know some Spanish, but I don't know nearly as much as I need to. So I'm learning. I love my teacher, she actually knows Spanish, unlike some other Spanish teachers... Meh.
2nd- U.S. History
I am not a history person. I've never been good with history, it just doesn't interest me.
Last year my teacher for AP World History was amazing. This teacher at my new school- EVEN MORE AMAZING.
I absolutely love his class.
3rd- Junior Voice.....
Junior Voice is pretty much solo things. We haven't really gotten started, but I know we're about to. I am a very strong CHOIR member. As in, WITH A GROUP. NOT ALONE. So I'm scared. Absolutely terrified.
Gosh, I'm getting nervous just talking about this. NEXT.
4th- Pre Cal.
I cannot, for all that is good and just in the world, stay awake for that entire class.
It's very upsetting actually.
I'm a great student, NEVER fall asleep in class.
But this teacher....
This is going to be a looooong year.

And last but not least, CHOIR.
Oh, Choir. I absolutely one hundred and fifty three percent LOVE Choir. The seniors souind AMAZING. So do the juniors:) It's unbelievable. Can't even describe it. AH:)

Our phones get taken up before school and we get them after 5th block. So that's always a great part of the day. So the end of my day is: Choir, phone, dinner, friends.
Does it get any better?:)

Today I am going to church with my host family. They are there whenever I feel like staying in Brookhaven instead of going home. I think it's a done deal that I'm staying here every other weekend.

I honestly didn't think I would miss home this much.
I miss my brothers and sister, my parents, Tabby and Deejay.
And, (get a load of this!) I actually miss doing my chores. We do so many chores at my house. And for some ridiculous reason I miss it.
I miss my sister's ridiculous poodle.
I miss my mom's cooking, which is like nothing you've ever tasted.
I'm telling you, you have not LIVED til you've tasted my mom's enchiladas:)

So I guess I'll go do something while I wait to leave.
Have an amazing day!!:)
So yeah...That's Just What's On My Mind...:)

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