Sunday, July 31, 2011

Oh dear:)

Today is my sister's 18th birthday!! WHOO! And her friend came over to visit.
This friend...

No, I have no problem with him. Rafa? My two year old little brother slash awesomest kid in the world? Yeah, he's terrified.

See, this is a tall very white guy with a huge fluffy blonde afro. Rafael is scared like crazy.
He usually just says, in toddler talk of course, "I'm scared of the guy!"

But Colton, no. Colton has no earned himself A NAME. "I'm scared of Colton!"
But since Rafa is two, it's more like
"Tared! No-in!!" ('Scared, Colton.' He's little, give him a break:))

By the way, he said that while in tears. And I'm not talking about normal tears. I'm talking about those heartbreaking baby tears where they're crying so hard that they can barely catch their breath. That, I tell you, absolutely tears my heart to pieces. Goodness, it's horrible.

So, we are on the farthest side of the house as possible, hiding in my mother's room, watching Olivia.

Olivia is a pig.
The show is in a nearly normal world, except the fact that humans are pigs. I don't understand why...
But other than that, normal. They have PETS. Cats and dogs. They wear clothing.


It annoys me SOOOO BAD to see all the messups of kids shows. Wow wow wubbzy? They only occasionally wear pants!! NO PANTS! Some are fully dressed, some just shirts, some completely NUDE! This is not cool.
Gosh. And also, in shows, they take multiple takes of scenes, right? Well I hate it when they have these subtle changes that they think won't be noticed. THEY ARE.

Like something I was watching the other day. This kid was sitting at the table, talking to his dad. His dad gets him some water. And its at the ridiculous level when its not halfway full, not completely full. That just throws me off, no idea why:) Anyway, then they show his dad talking, then they go back to him. THE GLASS. IS FULL.
*hysterical scream of anger*

And one time this really big guy was trying to lose weight, and it showed him with this huuuuuge sweaty area all over his shirt. Switch to someone else and back, it's smaller. Switch away and back again, it's bigger than the first time.

I'm telling you, you have NO IDEA how much these things bother me. Golly. Golly golly golly.

And Bubble Guppies? This new show for kids?! They have airports. These kids are merpeople. Airplanes don't work underwater. But I could get over that. But BIRDS? Birds. In a nest. In a tree. IN THE OCEAN?! GAH!

There are so many more, and it frustrates me that I can't think of them, but oh well.

There are 5 days until I move in.
5. Five. Cinco. Cinque. Whatever 5 is in Chinese.
Freaking. Out.

I started counting days at 42. How could 42 go to 5 so quickly? But these past couple days have been soooo slow. Unbelievably slow.
Like a turtle... No, a slug.
No, a slug with no slime to carry it along.
I hate slugs:/
Like, a tiny baby ant with no legs that is pulling itself by its antennaes.
That's actually sad:(
But that's how slow it's going.

I got school supplies. YAY:) And as dorky as it might be, I absolutely LOVE shopping for school supplies.

I mean highlighters?! Sticky notes?! Magnets?! Binder clips?! Day planners?! Shall I even continue?!
And my new school colors are red and black. Tell me those are not awesome. You can't. 'Cause it'd be a straight. up. LIE.
And, (can you believe this awesomeness?), I got a RUBBER BAND BALL... wait for it... IT'S SCHOOL COLORS FOO!!

I am so amazed how I have so much school spirit when I haven't even started school yet. I never had school spirit at my old school, I am sorry to say.

But this school.

I still can't get over how awesome it's gonna be.

So. I'm still really bored! And I don't know what to do... I want to doodle. But I don't know what. *sigh*
Well, I suppose I'm done here... And Rafa is still scared. Daw:)

Well, if you're reading this, I hope you have an absolutely wonderfully amazing fantastic day:)
So yeah... That's Just What's On My Mind...:)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dream House:)

So I have nothing better to do with my time than the following:

Today I was talking with none other than the wonderful DeeJay, my best friend in the whole entire world, and sometimes we ask each other random questions. It's amazing how many things you don't know about your best friend, so this really is a good idea. It's quite fun:)
Antyways, one of the questions he asked was to describe my dream house.
First I'd like to let you know that part of the reason for this house being built the way it is is because I am horribly nervous about weather.
See, there are three things that freak me out. Speeding cars, flying in an airplane, and bad weather.
I'll go into detail about that some other time.
Anyway, weather. Not good. So my solution?
A house on/in a hill:)
yes, in.

See, I want to have a small cottage-ish little cutsie house on top of the hill. The 'top house' would just look normal and homey. Then it would have a spiral staircase that goes down into an underground house IN the hill... So, like a 'hill house':). The hill house would have a different feel than the top house. Top house would be more homey and kid oriented. Not too many breakables. The hill house would be for me time:) Also, at the bottom of the hill would be a little porch to go outside on. So you could go in the top house, down the stairs, and come out at the bottom of the hill!!
So I wish I could draw what I wanted, but I'm not a great drawer (though I'm an expert doodler) so instead I decided to use Paint on my computer. So it's rough:) And this isn't exactly how I picture it, just a rough draft. There's only so much an amateur can do with Google and Paint:) So I hope this picture loads!!

These bottom pictures are two options for the hill house. Not this design exactly, but I think this is the overall 'feel' I want, if you get what I mean.

Anyway, that's my dream house. I'm pretty darn proud of myself, honestly:) Did you see that amazing hill? Pure. Talent.

So yeah... That's Just What's On My Mind...:D


So, this is just going to be me rambling on about nothing:)
First of all, I can't dance.
Like, it's physically impossible.
I can have a muscle spasm... That might count...

But seriously, this 'no dancing' thing is really ridiculous.
There's going to be a back to school dance after we get moved in.
I've never been good with dances. I'm always the quiet person in the corner waching everyone else.
*sigh* Dances are not my thing.

Ummm.... So... I'm babysitting children:/ my brothers. But hey, I get to watch Phineas and Ferb, so that's a plus:)
Bahaha:) Candace found this rabbit that looks all cute but it's actually an master of disguise evil rabbit that is Perry's enemy. She named his Mr. Cutie Patootie:)
Oh dear. I am bored.

One week. I move in in one week. Wow.
I've got so much to do.

Well this was absolutely pointless.
So yeah... That's Just What's On My Mind...:/

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Whatever I Happen To Type:)

So. I'm so ready to move in.
*sigh* my family is really big on procrastination. I think it's a talent, no one procrastinates like these people:)
I have so much dorm stuff to finish getting.
Got my bed set the other day. Love it! It's very colorful. Which makes me happeh:) I'm a little worried because I haven't heard of anyone on my floor except my roommate. So hopefully I'll find some more people:)
I can't wrap my mind around it. This school seems to amazing to be true:)
Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? "oh golly, I just can't wait to go to school!":)
So guess what?
You are so lucky. I'm going to tell you the amazing story of when I found out I was accepted.

As I stood at the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa...:) no not really:)
I was in the Atlanta airport waiting to board my flight to Italy. I went back in March with my sister and a group from my school.
We went to the bathroom during the like 8 hour layover:/ it was sooo boring! Anyway, the trip was being led by my choir teacher, who had helped me prepare for the school audition and is alot of the reason I got in. She's amazing.
Anyway, my sister and I had just eaten lunch when my best friend DeeJay texted me. He said something like, I guess they posted who got accepted......
I was freaking out in my mind. When I saw all the dots after accepted I was like craaaaap 'cause dots mean 'I'm withholding information and beating around the bush because it's not good'. So I was sure I didn't make it. So holding back tears I responded "that's okay it's fine" when in my mind I was telling myself "You're Lying!! LIES!" then he responded oh it didn't say who all made it.
Hope. Restored.
So. I texted my mom who was at home and asked her to check the mail cause the letter should be there. She said she'd check when she got a chance. So my sister and I went to the bathroom.
Then, in a bathroom stall in the Atlanta airport (of all possible places) my mom called.
"hello?" I said.
"Kiki?!" my mom said in a super excited voice. My mind said, no. Way,
"mom?!" I said almost crying. I honestly thought I wasn't going to make it, and it felt like my mom might be playing a sick joke on me.
"Kiki?! I got your letter!"
Oh my gosh. Ohhhh my goshness.
"mom?! Are you joking?!"
She sAid you made it.
"mom please tell me you arent joking!"
By the way, this was all in hysterical happy tears voice. And my sister hears my crying and my side of the conversation outside my stall:) oh my:)
Then I went to Rome. Can we say best 24 hours ever?:)

So yeah. That's how that happened.
Well, I gotsta go. So yeah... That's Just What's On My Mind...:)

Almost Time to GO!!

It's almost time to go-o, oh-o, boopeedoopeedoopeedoo buh-po!
That's my song right there:)

I'm so ready to go to school!! I'm in the Carolinas visiting family right now.

Oh my goodness!! This past Saturday my best friend in the whole world, the amazing DeeJay!, threw me a going away party:) It was absolutely amazing. I met some new people, got awesome presents, and had a great time.
So if you read this DeeJay, you. are. amazing. Thank you:)
I'm currently watching Sid the Science Kid with a two year old. Yeah, I'm cool:)
Did you know that if you're under 4'10", you could be considered a midget?! I barely got past that. I'm 5 feet exactly. I'M SO SHORT!! WAAAAAHHHHH! But it's okay:) Short people are awesome:)
So I don't really have anything important to say. Just blah blah blah-ing today:)
Smiley faces are amazing. :) Lookit that thing!! ADORABLE!!
Ah. Well I suppose I'm done for now. Bleh.
Okay.... Well, I'll let you know if anything exciting happens. So yeah... That's Just What's On My Mind:)